Help Centre
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
WayHome is only paid if an eventual agreement is entered between NDIS Participants and Hosts or Co-residents or Housemates and then only those fees and charges allowed under the NDIS price guide rates and NDIS rules. These are paid from the NDIS plan.
Housing Providers:
WayHome is entirely free for Housing Providers, as well as for the matching of NDIS Participants with houses – but WayHome may introduce fees at a later time for a tailored matching service.
Sign up as a NDIS Participant, and select Looking for a Housemate when you come to the Housing Options section.
Click on Sign Up and follow the steps – you will need to indicate if you are a NDIS Participant, a Host or Co-resident, or a Housing Provider.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
An NDIS Participant is a person with a disability who has qualified for funding under the National Disability Scheme (NDIS). This includes receiving an own personal NDIS Plan. WayHome Users must be at least 18 years of age.
You will need to provide information about yourself, the housing options you are looking as well as information about your disability and support needs where required.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only your first name and last name initial are visible. You are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates – personnel contact information is only shared after a WayHome facilitated phone call and meet and greet, and then only the information you want to share.
Housing Providers – personnel contact information is only shared after you agree this to be shared, or if you contact the Housing Provider directly. Housing Provider contact information is listed on each house advertisement.
It is highly recommended – as people connect easier when they see a face. But you can also load a photo of something else that says something about you, such as a pet, art or a place you like.
Yes – parents and coordinators may wish to sign up for you.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
No. WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
You need to sign up to WayHome to view Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or accessible or SDA Housing. You can then search based on region and your requirements.
NDIS Participants can search and connect with potential housing solutions – Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers can search and connect with NDIS Participants where they can provide a solution which meets the persons need.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
You can contact WayHome at 1300 18 home (1300 18 4663) or help@wayhome.com.au.
No – My Supports will assist you put in an application for funding to the NDIA after a successful match and further discussions and assessments. It is a condition of the application to the NDIA that you have identified a potential Host, Co-resident or Housemate.
The NDIS provides under a program called Individual Living Options (ILOs) – this is funding for payment of the Host or Co-resident, as well as any additional in-home support required and set up and monitoring of the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
My Supports will assist you put in an application for funding to the NDIA after a successful match and further discussions and assessments.
No – WayHome lists both SDA and non-SDA housing options.
If you wish to move into a SDA Property you will need to have SDA funding in your NDIS plan. You will need to engage a Coordinator or Occupational Therapist with the experience necessary to apply for SDA funding to the NDIA. Some SDA housing providers can assist you apply for SDA funding – WayHome is unable to assist with an SDA funding application.
You can read more about SDA Housing, how to qualify for SDA funding or making properties SDA compliant on the NDIA website (https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/housing-and-living-supports-and-services/housing/specialist-disability-accommodation).
It does not matter – you can be Agency Managed or Plan Managed or Self-Manage.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential WayHome options.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top menu Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are, your Profile and Housing options you are interested in from your Profile. Click on the option you are looking for – such as Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or Houses.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find an option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers:
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
If after messaging, both Users feel they would like to have a phone conversation, and possibly meet, Uses must click the Mutual Request button on the Messaging page. This alerts the WayHome Help Desk that you would like WayHome to contact both parties and set up a phone call.
It is not allowed to meet, request to meet, or to encourage the meeting outside WayHome Facilitated Telephone Discussions or Meet & Greets.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
Users of the WayHome Platform must notify WayHome of any request to breach above conditions as soon as possible. Any breach of the above conditions will result in the Account of the offending party being suspended.
An Arrangement simply means any combination of NDIS funding, agreements with Hosts, Co-resident or Housemate, and ongoing support, that makes the living option possible, and successful.
For example, one can talk of a “Host Arrangement” which may include NDIS funding for payments to Host, payments for additional in home support, taking a break for Host, ongoing supervision and monitoring and other matters to make the situation safe and happy for all parties.
When there is a match between a NDIS Participants and the Hosts, Co-residents and Housemates, the WayHome Help Desk will set up Facilitated Phone Introduction for people to get to know each other and decide if there is a basis for meeting face to face.
Depending upon the outcome of the WayHome Facilitated Phone Introduction, a Meet & Greet is set up for people to get to know each other, and decide if there is a basis for a potential agreement.
Step 1 – Assessment:
Depending upon the outcome of the Meet & Greet, WayHome completes an assessment of the suitability of a potential arrangement, including in relation to the NDIS rule.
Step 2 – NDS Funding Application:
If the assessment is positive, WayHome will prepare a NDIS funding application for the NDIA. Approval by the NDIA can take a long period, with follow up questions or requests for information – the entire process can take up to 3-6 months.
Step 3 – Agreements:
If NDIA funding is approved, WayHome facilitates the signing of the agreements which sets out the details of the arrangement, including payments and other obligations for all parties, including NDIS Participant, Hosts and Co-residents and Housemates.
Step 4 – Implementation:
Implementing the arrangement, including setting up and the ongoing monitoring the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome is paid from a NDIS Participants NDIS Plan – WayHome is not paid unless a NDIS Funding Request is successful and a Service Agreement is signed.
WayHome Prices and User Payments – each Service Agreement is individual, however the prices and payments are set as follows:
• WayHome User prices – are set as per NDIS Price Guide rates and NDIS operating rules/guidelines
• WayHome payments – are based on relevant disability Award rates and market rates
WayHome operates as a registered NDIS provider and all Agreements must meet the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission rules and audit requirements.
Hosts are paid a fixed amount for period for making their home available and providing a warm, supportive environment.
Permanent – this amount can vary between $50,000-$75,000 per year.
Weekends – this amount can vary between $170-$408 per day (depending on level of need and weekend/holiday rate applicable).
Hosts are engaged under a host contract arrangement – and are not employees.
Co-residents are paid a fixed amount for period, which is calculated based on the average hours of support that needs to be provided (this can vary between 10-36 hours a week).
Co-residents usually receive free rent, or work hours for free rent.
Hosts are engaged as a casual employee or as a contractor, and are paid regular support worker rates applicable in the sector.
Housemates are NDIS Participants who share a house – and there are in most cases no payments made between these Users.
Hosts are individuals or families with a spare room in their home and wish to share their life and home in return for a reimbursement payment – permanent or for weekends. WayHome Users must be at least 18 years of age.
Co-residents are people who move in and live with a person with disability and provide support and companionship in return for free rent and support payments.
It depends on mutual agreement – it can be short term to many years.
Permanent Hosts and Co-residents – contracts generally are for 12 months, but can be extended for multiple years if all parties agree.
Weekend or Holiday Hosts – usually for weekends (or holiday weeks) over an agreed period of time.
Hosts are paid a fixed amount for period for making their home available and providing a warm, supportive environment.
Please see www.wayhome.com.au/payments
Co-residents are paid for the hours of work they provide. These hours can vary from zero (where a Co-resident can live rent free and has small additional tasks) to 20-30 hours per week (where high support needs).
Free or reduced rent is for the agreement between the NDIS Participant and the Host or Co-resident.
See rates and further information at www.wayhome.com.au/payments.
Click on Sign Up and follow the steps – you will need to indicate if you are a NDIS Provider, a Host or Co-resident, or a Housing Provider.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
WayHome is only paid if an eventual agreement is entered between NDIS Participants and Hosts or Co-residents or Housemates and then only those fees and charges allowed under the NDIS price guide rates and NDIS rules. These are paid from the NDIS plan.
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
Host and Co-residents need to provide information required by the NDIS Safety and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission for people working in the disability sector. This includes police checks, NDIS Commission Orientation Certificate, identification information and names of references.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only your first name and last name initial are visible. You are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates – personnel contact information is only shared after a WayHome facilitated phone call and meet and greet, and then only the information you want to share.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
Yes – PDF files and all image files (such as scans and photos) under MB size limits stated on site.
No – all Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
You can contact WayHome at 1300 18 home (1300 18 4663) or help@wayhome.com.au.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential NDIS Participants.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top menu Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are and your Profile.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find a option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
If after messaging, both Users feel they would like to have a phone conversation, and possibly meet, Uses must click the Mutual Request button on the Messaging page. This alerts the WayHome Help Desk that you would like WayHome to contact both parties and set up a phone call.
It is not allowed to meet, request to meet, or to encourage the meeting outside WayHome Facilitated Telephone Discussions or Meet & Greets.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
Users of the WayHome Platform must notify WayHome of any request to breach above conditions as soon as possible. Any breach of the above conditions will result in the Account of the offending party being suspended.
An Arrangement simply means any combination of NDIS funding, agreements with Hosts, Co-resident or Housemate, and ongoing support, that makes the living option possible, and successful.
For example, one can talk of a “Host Arrangement” which may include NDIS funding for payments to Host, payments for additional in home support, taking a break for Host, ongoing supervision and monitoring and other matters to make the situation safe and happy for all parties.
When there is a match between a NDIS Participants and the Hosts, Co-residents and Housemates, the WayHome Help Desk will set up Facilitated Phone Introduction for people to get to know each other and decide if there is a basis for meeting face to face.
Depending upon the outcome of the WayHome Facilitated Phone Introduction, a Meet & Greet is set up for people to get to know each other, and decide if there is a basis for a potential agreement.
Step 1 – Assessment
Depending upon the outcome of the Meet & Greet, WayHome completes an assessment of the suitability of a potential arrangement, including in relation to the NDIS rule.
Step 2 – NDS Funding Application
If the assessment is positive, WayHome will prepare a NDIS funding application for the NDIA. Approval by the NDIA can take a long period, with follow up questions or requests for information – the entire process can take up to 3-6 months.
Step 3 – Agreements
If NDIA funding is approved, WayHome facilitates the signing of the agreements which sets out the details of the arrangement, including payments and other obligations for all parties, including NDIS Participant, Hosts and Co-residents and Housemates.
Step 4 – Implementation
Implementing the arrangement, including setting up and the ongoing monitoring the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome is paid from a NDIS Participants NDIS Plan – WayHome is not paid unless a NDIS Funding Request is successful and a Service Agreement is signed.
WayHome Prices and User Payments – each Service Agreement is individual, however the prices and payments are set as follows:
• WayHome User prices – are set as per NDIS Price Guide rates and NDIS operating rules/guidelines
• WayHome payments – are based on relevant disability Award rates and market rates
WayHome operates as a registered NDIS provider and all Agreements must meet the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission rules and audit requirements.
Further details see www.wayhome.com.au/payments
Housemates are NDIS participants who wish to share with other NDIS Participants who share their passions and interests. WayHome Users must be at least 18 years of age.
An NDIS Participant is a person with a disability who has qualified for funding under the National Disability Scheme (NDIS). This includes receiving an own personal NDIS Plan.
Housemates are NDIS Participants who share a house – and there are in most cases no payments made between these Users.
Sign up as a NDIS Participant, and select Looking for a Housemate when you come to the Housing Options section.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
WayHome is only paid if an eventual agreement is entered between NDIS Participants and Hosts or Co-residents or Housemates and then only those fees and charges allowed under the NDIS price guide rates and NDIS rules. These are paid from the NDIS plan.
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
You will need to provide information about yourself, the housing options you are looking as well as information about your disability and support needs where required.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only your first name and last name initial are visible. You are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
Personnel contact information is only shared after a WayHome facilitated phone call and meet and greet, and then only the information you want to share.
Housing Providers:
Personnel contact information is only shared after you agree this to be shared via your contacts with Housing Providers, or if you contact the Housing Provider directly. Housing Provider contact information is listed on each house advertisement.
It is highly recommended – as people connect easier when they see a face. But you can also load a photo of something else that says something about you, such as a pet, art or a place you like.
Yes – parents and coordinators may wish to sign up for you.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
You need to sign up to WayHome to view Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or accessible or SDA Housing. You can then search based on region and your requirements.
NDIS Participants can search and connect with potential housing solutions – Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers can search and connect with NDIS Participants where they can provide a solution which meets the persons need.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
Yes – PDF files and all image files (such as scans and photos) under MB size limits stated on site.
No – all Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
You can contact WayHome at 1300 18 home (1300 18 4663) or help@wayhome.com.au.
The NDIS provides under a program called Individual Living Options (ILOs) – this is funding for payment of the Host or Co-resident, as well as any additional in-home support required and set up and monitoring of the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
My Supports will assist you put in an application for funding to the NDIA after a successful match and further discussions and assessments.
It does not matter – you can be Agency Managed or Plan Managed or Self-Manage.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential WayHome options.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are, your Profile and Housing options you are interested in.
You then click on the Housing option you are looking for – such as Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or Houses.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find a option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
If after messaging, both Users feel they would like to have a phone conversation, and possibly meet, Uses must click the Mutual Request button on the Messaging page. This alerts the WayHome Help Desk that you would like WayHome to contact both parties and set up a phone call.
It is not allowed to meet, request to meet, or to encourage the meeting outside WayHome Facilitated Telephone Discussions or Meet & Greets.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
Users of the WayHome Platform must notify WayHome of any request to breach above conditions as soon as possible. Any breach of the above conditions will result in the Account of the offending party being suspended.
An Arrangement simply means any combination of NDIS funding, agreements with Hosts, Co-resident or Housemate, and ongoing support, that makes the living option possible, and successful.
For example, one can talk of a “Host Arrangement” which may include NDIS funding for payments to Host, payments for additional in home support, taking a break for Host, ongoing supervision and monitoring and other matters to make the situation safe and happy for all parties.
When there is a match between a NDIS Participants and the Hosts, Co-residents and Housemates, the WayHome Help Desk will set up Facilitated Phone Introduction for people to get to know each other and decide if there is a basis for meeting face to face.
Depending upon the outcome of the WayHome Facilitated Phone Introduction, a Meet & Greet is set up for people to get to know each other, and decide if there is a basis for a potential agreement.
Step 1 – Assessment
Depending upon the outcome of the Meet & Greet, WayHome completes an assessment of the suitability of a potential arrangement, including in relation to the NDIS rule.
Step 2 – NDS Funding Application
If the assessment is positive, WayHome will prepare a NDIS funding application for the NDIA. Approval by the NDIA can take a long period, with follow up questions or requests for information – the entire process can take up to 3-6 months.
Step 3 – Agreements
If NDIA funding is approved, WayHome facilitates the signing of the agreements which sets out the details of the arrangement, including payments and other obligations for all parties, including NDIS Participant, Hosts and Co-residents and Housemates.
Step 4 – Implementation
Implementing the arrangement, including setting up and the ongoing monitoring the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome is paid from a NDIS Participants NDIS Plan – WayHome is not paid unless a NDIS Funding Request is successful and a Service Agreement is signed.
WayHome Prices and User Payments – each Service Agreement is individual, however the prices and payments are set as follows:
• WayHome User prices – are set as per NDIS Price Guide rates and NDIS operating rules/guidelines
• WayHome payments – are based on relevant disability Award rates and market rates
WayHome operates as a registered NDIS provider and all Agreements must meet the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission rules and audit requirements.
Housing that is particularly suited to people with a disability, which include:
• SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Homes
• Shared homes or single occupant homes
• Homes to buy or rent
• Houses or apartments
• Short stay or permanent
SDA Homes are houses and apartments which have been classified by the NDIS as highly suitable for NDIS Participants. The NDIS in some cases provides NDIS Participants with funding in their plan to spend on qualified SDA Homes only. They can be single dwelling or shared homes.
You can read more about SDA Housing, how to qualify for a SDA funding or making your property SDA compliant on the NDIA website (https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/housing-and-living-supports-and-services/housing/specialist-disability-accommodation).
No – anyone who has a home which they feel is suitable for people with a disability can list.
No – as this is not a requirement for many disabilities.
Click on Sign Up and follow the steps – you will need to indicate if you are a NDIS Participant, a Host or Co-resident, or a Housing Provider.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
Once your account is set up, you can add as many properties as you wish via your Dashboard – see below.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
Housing Providers:
WayHome is entirely free for Housing Providers, as well as for the matching of NDIS Participants with houses – but WayHome may introduce fees at a later time for a tailored matching service.
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
There are two ways:
1) WayHome is rather unique in that Housing Providers can search for NDIS Participants who may be interested in their house or apartment, or potential project.
Housing Providers can send a Connect Request and if accepted by the NDIS Participant, they can communicate via WayHome Messaging function about the opportunity and share further details –or inform them on an exciting new project.
2) NDIS Participants can view the contact details (contact person, email and phone) on the WayHome website under each property and make direct contact themselves with the Housing Provider.
Housing Providers provide information about themselves, as individual or a company, as well as details about each property under each listing.
Housing Provider contact information is listed on each house advertisement.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only NDIS Participant first name and last name initial are visible. Users are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy (except for Housing Providers via their advertisement).
See – How do Housing Providers connect with NDIS Participants?
It is highly recommended – as people connect easier when they see a face. But you can also load a photo of something else that says something about you or your company.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
You need to sign up to WayHome.
Housing Providers can search and connect with NDIS Participants where they can provide a solution which meets the persons need – see Using WayHome to Connect.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
Yes – PDF files and all image files (such as scans and photos) under MB size limits stated on site.
No – all Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
You can contact WayHome at 1300 xxxx xxxx or admin@wayhome.com.au at any time.
Properties are added and viewed via the Dashboard.
Go to the Dashboard and select Houses from left menu – you will see a list of all properties you have listed.
Viewing properties – click on the small triangle to the left of each listing to see View button.
Select + Add House from top menu.
Complete the four information areas step by step – House Information, Details, Accommodation and Property Features.
Adding Photos – in the summary list click Add Image to add photos
Deactivating – in the summary list click Actions – click Deactivate.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential NDIS Participants.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are and your Profile.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find a option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
WayHome is only paid if an eventual agreement is entered between NDIS Participants and Hosts or Co-residents or Housemates and then only those fees and charges allowed under the NDIS price guide rates and NDIS rules. These are paid from the NDIS plan.
Housing Providers:
WayHome is entirely free for Housing Providers, as well as for the matching of NDIS Participants with houses – but WayHome may introduce fees at a later time for a tailored matching service.
Sign up as a NDIS Participant, and select Looking for a Housemate when you come to the Housing Options section.
Click on Sign Up and follow the steps – you will need to indicate if you are a NDIS Participant, a Host or Co-resident, or a Housing Provider.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
An NDIS Participant is a person with a disability who has qualified for funding under the National Disability Scheme (NDIS). This includes receiving an own personal NDIS Plan. WayHome Users must be at least 18 years of age.
You will need to provide information about yourself, the housing options you are looking as well as information about your disability and support needs where required.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only your first name and last name initial are visible. You are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates – personnel contact information is only shared after a WayHome facilitated phone call and meet and greet, and then only the information you want to share.
Housing Providers – personnel contact information is only shared after you agree this to be shared, or if you contact the Housing Provider directly. Housing Provider contact information is listed on each house advertisement.
It is highly recommended – as people connect easier when they see a face. But you can also load a photo of something else that says something about you, such as a pet, art or a place you like.
Yes – parents and coordinators may wish to sign up for you.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
No. WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
You need to sign up to WayHome to view Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or accessible or SDA Housing. You can then search based on region and your requirements.
NDIS Participants can search and connect with potential housing solutions – Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers can search and connect with NDIS Participants where they can provide a solution which meets the persons need.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
You can contact WayHome at 1300 18 home (1300 18 4663) or help@wayhome.com.au.
No – My Supports will assist you put in an application for funding to the NDIA after a successful match and further discussions and assessments. It is a condition of the application to the NDIA that you have identified a potential Host, Co-resident or Housemate.
The NDIS provides under a program called Individual Living Options (ILOs) – this is funding for payment of the Host or Co-resident, as well as any additional in-home support required and set up and monitoring of the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
My Supports will assist you put in an application for funding to the NDIA after a successful match and further discussions and assessments.
No – WayHome lists both SDA and non-SDA housing options.
If you wish to move into a SDA Property you will need to have SDA funding in your NDIS plan. You will need to engage a Coordinator or Occupational Therapist with the experience necessary to apply for SDA funding to the NDIA. Some SDA housing providers can assist you apply for SDA funding – WayHome is unable to assist with an SDA funding application.
You can read more about SDA Housing, how to qualify for SDA funding or making properties SDA compliant on the NDIA website (https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/housing-and-living-supports-and-services/housing/specialist-disability-accommodation).
It does not matter – you can be Agency Managed or Plan Managed or Self-Manage.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential WayHome options.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top menu Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are, your Profile and Housing options you are interested in from your Profile. Click on the option you are looking for – such as Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or Houses.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find an option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers:
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
If after messaging, both Users feel they would like to have a phone conversation, and possibly meet, Uses must click the Mutual Request button on the Messaging page. This alerts the WayHome Help Desk that you would like WayHome to contact both parties and set up a phone call.
It is not allowed to meet, request to meet, or to encourage the meeting outside WayHome Facilitated Telephone Discussions or Meet & Greets.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
Users of the WayHome Platform must notify WayHome of any request to breach above conditions as soon as possible. Any breach of the above conditions will result in the Account of the offending party being suspended.
An Arrangement simply means any combination of NDIS funding, agreements with Hosts, Co-resident or Housemate, and ongoing support, that makes the living option possible, and successful.
For example, one can talk of a “Host Arrangement” which may include NDIS funding for payments to Host, payments for additional in home support, taking a break for Host, ongoing supervision and monitoring and other matters to make the situation safe and happy for all parties.
When there is a match between a NDIS Participants and the Hosts, Co-residents and Housemates, the WayHome Help Desk will set up Facilitated Phone Introduction for people to get to know each other and decide if there is a basis for meeting face to face.
Depending upon the outcome of the WayHome Facilitated Phone Introduction, a Meet & Greet is set up for people to get to know each other, and decide if there is a basis for a potential agreement.
Step 1 – Assessment:
Depending upon the outcome of the Meet & Greet, WayHome completes an assessment of the suitability of a potential arrangement, including in relation to the NDIS rule.
Step 2 – NDS Funding Application:
If the assessment is positive, WayHome will prepare a NDIS funding application for the NDIA. Approval by the NDIA can take a long period, with follow up questions or requests for information – the entire process can take up to 3-6 months.
Step 3 – Agreements:
If NDIA funding is approved, WayHome facilitates the signing of the agreements which sets out the details of the arrangement, including payments and other obligations for all parties, including NDIS Participant, Hosts and Co-residents and Housemates.
Step 4 – Implementation:
Implementing the arrangement, including setting up and the ongoing monitoring the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome is paid from a NDIS Participants NDIS Plan – WayHome is not paid unless a NDIS Funding Request is successful and a Service Agreement is signed.
WayHome Prices and User Payments – each Service Agreement is individual, however the prices and payments are set as follows:
• WayHome User prices – are set as per NDIS Price Guide rates and NDIS operating rules/guidelines
• WayHome payments – are based on relevant disability Award rates and market rates
WayHome operates as a registered NDIS provider and all Agreements must meet the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission rules and audit requirements.
Hosts are paid a fixed amount for period for making their home available and providing a warm, supportive environment.
Permanent – this amount can vary between $50,000-$75,000 per year.
Weekends – this amount can vary between $170-$408 per day (depending on level of need and weekend/holiday rate applicable).
Hosts are engaged under a host contract arrangement – and are not employees.
Co-residents are paid a fixed amount for period, which is calculated based on the average hours of support that needs to be provided (this can vary between 10-36 hours a week).
Co-residents usually receive free rent, or work hours for free rent.
Hosts are engaged as a casual employee or as a contractor, and are paid regular support worker rates applicable in the sector.
Housemates are NDIS Participants who share a house – and there are in most cases no payments made between these Users.
Hosts are individuals or families with a spare room in their home and wish to share their life and home in return for a reimbursement payment – permanent or for weekends. WayHome Users must be at least 18 years of age.
Co-residents are people who move in and live with a person with disability and provide support and companionship in return for free rent and support payments.
It depends on mutual agreement – it can be short term to many years.
Permanent Hosts and Co-residents – contracts generally are for 12 months, but can be extended for multiple years if all parties agree.
Weekend or Holiday Hosts – usually for weekends (or holiday weeks) over an agreed period of time.
Hosts are paid a fixed amount for period for making their home available and providing a warm, supportive environment.
Please see www.wayhome.com.au/payments
Co-residents are paid for the hours of work they provide. These hours can vary from zero (where a Co-resident can live rent free and has small additional tasks) to 20-30 hours per week (where high support needs).
Free or reduced rent is for the agreement between the NDIS Participant and the Host or Co-resident.
See rates and further information at www.wayhome.com.au/payments.
Click on Sign Up and follow the steps – you will need to indicate if you are a NDIS Provider, a Host or Co-resident, or a Housing Provider.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
WayHome is only paid if an eventual agreement is entered between NDIS Participants and Hosts or Co-residents or Housemates and then only those fees and charges allowed under the NDIS price guide rates and NDIS rules. These are paid from the NDIS plan.
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
Host and Co-residents need to provide information required by the NDIS Safety and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission for people working in the disability sector. This includes police checks, NDIS Commission Orientation Certificate, identification information and names of references.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only your first name and last name initial are visible. You are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates – personnel contact information is only shared after a WayHome facilitated phone call and meet and greet, and then only the information you want to share.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
Yes – PDF files and all image files (such as scans and photos) under MB size limits stated on site.
No – all Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
You can contact WayHome at 1300 18 home (1300 18 4663) or help@wayhome.com.au.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential NDIS Participants.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top menu Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are and your Profile.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find a option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
If after messaging, both Users feel they would like to have a phone conversation, and possibly meet, Uses must click the Mutual Request button on the Messaging page. This alerts the WayHome Help Desk that you would like WayHome to contact both parties and set up a phone call.
It is not allowed to meet, request to meet, or to encourage the meeting outside WayHome Facilitated Telephone Discussions or Meet & Greets.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
Users of the WayHome Platform must notify WayHome of any request to breach above conditions as soon as possible. Any breach of the above conditions will result in the Account of the offending party being suspended.
An Arrangement simply means any combination of NDIS funding, agreements with Hosts, Co-resident or Housemate, and ongoing support, that makes the living option possible, and successful.
For example, one can talk of a “Host Arrangement” which may include NDIS funding for payments to Host, payments for additional in home support, taking a break for Host, ongoing supervision and monitoring and other matters to make the situation safe and happy for all parties.
When there is a match between a NDIS Participants and the Hosts, Co-residents and Housemates, the WayHome Help Desk will set up Facilitated Phone Introduction for people to get to know each other and decide if there is a basis for meeting face to face.
Depending upon the outcome of the WayHome Facilitated Phone Introduction, a Meet & Greet is set up for people to get to know each other, and decide if there is a basis for a potential agreement.
Step 1 – Assessment
Depending upon the outcome of the Meet & Greet, WayHome completes an assessment of the suitability of a potential arrangement, including in relation to the NDIS rule.
Step 2 – NDS Funding Application
If the assessment is positive, WayHome will prepare a NDIS funding application for the NDIA. Approval by the NDIA can take a long period, with follow up questions or requests for information – the entire process can take up to 3-6 months.
Step 3 – Agreements
If NDIA funding is approved, WayHome facilitates the signing of the agreements which sets out the details of the arrangement, including payments and other obligations for all parties, including NDIS Participant, Hosts and Co-residents and Housemates.
Step 4 – Implementation
Implementing the arrangement, including setting up and the ongoing monitoring the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome is paid from a NDIS Participants NDIS Plan – WayHome is not paid unless a NDIS Funding Request is successful and a Service Agreement is signed.
WayHome Prices and User Payments – each Service Agreement is individual, however the prices and payments are set as follows:
• WayHome User prices – are set as per NDIS Price Guide rates and NDIS operating rules/guidelines
• WayHome payments – are based on relevant disability Award rates and market rates
WayHome operates as a registered NDIS provider and all Agreements must meet the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission rules and audit requirements.
Further details see www.wayhome.com.au/payments
Housemates are NDIS participants who wish to share with other NDIS Participants who share their passions and interests. WayHome Users must be at least 18 years of age.
An NDIS Participant is a person with a disability who has qualified for funding under the National Disability Scheme (NDIS). This includes receiving an own personal NDIS Plan.
Housemates are NDIS Participants who share a house – and there are in most cases no payments made between these Users.
Sign up as a NDIS Participant, and select Looking for a Housemate when you come to the Housing Options section.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
WayHome is only paid if an eventual agreement is entered between NDIS Participants and Hosts or Co-residents or Housemates and then only those fees and charges allowed under the NDIS price guide rates and NDIS rules. These are paid from the NDIS plan.
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
You will need to provide information about yourself, the housing options you are looking as well as information about your disability and support needs where required.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only your first name and last name initial are visible. You are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy.
NDIS Participants and Hosts/Co-residents/Housemates:
Personnel contact information is only shared after a WayHome facilitated phone call and meet and greet, and then only the information you want to share.
Housing Providers:
Personnel contact information is only shared after you agree this to be shared via your contacts with Housing Providers, or if you contact the Housing Provider directly. Housing Provider contact information is listed on each house advertisement.
It is highly recommended – as people connect easier when they see a face. But you can also load a photo of something else that says something about you, such as a pet, art or a place you like.
Yes – parents and coordinators may wish to sign up for you.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
You need to sign up to WayHome to view Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or accessible or SDA Housing. You can then search based on region and your requirements.
NDIS Participants can search and connect with potential housing solutions – Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers.
Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates and Housing Providers can search and connect with NDIS Participants where they can provide a solution which meets the persons need.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
Yes – PDF files and all image files (such as scans and photos) under MB size limits stated on site.
No – all Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
You can contact WayHome at 1300 18 home (1300 18 4663) or help@wayhome.com.au.
The NDIS provides under a program called Individual Living Options (ILOs) – this is funding for payment of the Host or Co-resident, as well as any additional in-home support required and set up and monitoring of the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
My Supports will assist you put in an application for funding to the NDIA after a successful match and further discussions and assessments.
It does not matter – you can be Agency Managed or Plan Managed or Self-Manage.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential WayHome options.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are, your Profile and Housing options you are interested in.
You then click on the Housing option you are looking for – such as Hosts, Co-residents, Housemates or Houses.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find a option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
If after messaging, both Users feel they would like to have a phone conversation, and possibly meet, Uses must click the Mutual Request button on the Messaging page. This alerts the WayHome Help Desk that you would like WayHome to contact both parties and set up a phone call.
It is not allowed to meet, request to meet, or to encourage the meeting outside WayHome Facilitated Telephone Discussions or Meet & Greets.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
Users of the WayHome Platform must notify WayHome of any request to breach above conditions as soon as possible. Any breach of the above conditions will result in the Account of the offending party being suspended.
An Arrangement simply means any combination of NDIS funding, agreements with Hosts, Co-resident or Housemate, and ongoing support, that makes the living option possible, and successful.
For example, one can talk of a “Host Arrangement” which may include NDIS funding for payments to Host, payments for additional in home support, taking a break for Host, ongoing supervision and monitoring and other matters to make the situation safe and happy for all parties.
When there is a match between a NDIS Participants and the Hosts, Co-residents and Housemates, the WayHome Help Desk will set up Facilitated Phone Introduction for people to get to know each other and decide if there is a basis for meeting face to face.
Depending upon the outcome of the WayHome Facilitated Phone Introduction, a Meet & Greet is set up for people to get to know each other, and decide if there is a basis for a potential agreement.
Step 1 – Assessment
Depending upon the outcome of the Meet & Greet, WayHome completes an assessment of the suitability of a potential arrangement, including in relation to the NDIS rule.
Step 2 – NDS Funding Application
If the assessment is positive, WayHome will prepare a NDIS funding application for the NDIA. Approval by the NDIA can take a long period, with follow up questions or requests for information – the entire process can take up to 3-6 months.
Step 3 – Agreements
If NDIA funding is approved, WayHome facilitates the signing of the agreements which sets out the details of the arrangement, including payments and other obligations for all parties, including NDIS Participant, Hosts and Co-residents and Housemates.
Step 4 – Implementation
Implementing the arrangement, including setting up and the ongoing monitoring the arrangement to ensure everyone is safe and happy.
Yes – at least for the initial period of the arrangement (12 months). Like other popular online support platforms, WayHome becomes the formal provider of these arrangements.
WayHome aims to create a safe process, where all Users are screened and checked, privacy is always protected, introductions are conducted in a supervised manner, adequate NDIS funding is arranged, and the Arrangement is implemented and monitored in a way that meets safety and quality standards.
WayHome is a Platform for housing solutions, and by definition these solutions can involve people’s home address and how people live (such as living alone). Further, in some instances people may be vulnerable
There is a need for protection of privacy and safeguarding around use of the WayHome Platform.
To achieve these objectives, all Users (NDIS Participants, Housemates, Hosts or Co-residents) meeting via the WayHome platform may not enter any Arrangement outside WayHome or this Agreement (excluding Housing Providers).
WayHome is paid from a NDIS Participants NDIS Plan – WayHome is not paid unless a NDIS Funding Request is successful and a Service Agreement is signed.
WayHome Prices and User Payments – each Service Agreement is individual, however the prices and payments are set as follows:
• WayHome User prices – are set as per NDIS Price Guide rates and NDIS operating rules/guidelines
• WayHome payments – are based on relevant disability Award rates and market rates
WayHome operates as a registered NDIS provider and all Agreements must meet the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission rules and audit requirements.
Housing that is particularly suited to people with a disability, which include:
• SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Homes
• Shared homes or single occupant homes
• Homes to buy or rent
• Houses or apartments
• Short stay or permanent
SDA Homes are houses and apartments which have been classified by the NDIS as highly suitable for NDIS Participants. The NDIS in some cases provides NDIS Participants with funding in their plan to spend on qualified SDA Homes only. They can be single dwelling or shared homes.
You can read more about SDA Housing, how to qualify for a SDA funding or making your property SDA compliant on the NDIA website (https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/housing-and-living-supports-and-services/housing/specialist-disability-accommodation).
No – anyone who has a home which they feel is suitable for people with a disability can list.
No – as this is not a requirement for many disabilities.
Click on Sign Up and follow the steps – you will need to indicate if you are a NDIS Participant, a Host or Co-resident, or a Housing Provider.
After you Sign Up and click submit, you will first receive an email to confirm your emails address is correct. You need to click on this email to confirm.
WayHome completes a number of checks on all registrations before they go live on the website. This will take between 24-48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email when this is complete and you are live on WayHome.
Once your account is set up, you can add as many properties as you wish via your Dashboard – see below.
It is free – no one is charged for joining and meeting on the platform.
Housing Providers:
WayHome is entirely free for Housing Providers, as well as for the matching of NDIS Participants with houses – but WayHome may introduce fees at a later time for a tailored matching service.
WayHome operates in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
WayHome does not operate in ACT, NT and Tasmania.
There are two ways:
1) WayHome is rather unique in that Housing Providers can search for NDIS Participants who may be interested in their house or apartment, or potential project.
Housing Providers can send a Connect Request and if accepted by the NDIS Participant, they can communicate via WayHome Messaging function about the opportunity and share further details –or inform them on an exciting new project.
2) NDIS Participants can view the contact details (contact person, email and phone) on the WayHome website under each property and make direct contact themselves with the Housing Provider.
Housing Providers provide information about themselves, as individual or a company, as well as details about each property under each listing.
Housing Provider contact information is listed on each house advertisement.
No personnel contact information is shared on WayHome – only NDIS Participant first name and last name initial are visible. Users are not allowed to share personal contact information on WayHome to protect everyone’s privacy (except for Housing Providers via their advertisement).
See – How do Housing Providers connect with NDIS Participants?
It is highly recommended – as people connect easier when they see a face. But you can also load a photo of something else that says something about you or your company.
It is an Agreement that sets out the rights and obligations for people making use of the platform.
It is not a Host or Co-resident agreement, or any form of housing commitment. These type of agreements are only entered later, and in general only after match has been found, NDIS approval of funding granted and all parties come to a mutual agreement on payments and terms.
WayHome simply matches potential housing providers and houses. The housing provider becomes the provider of support funded by the NDIS (such as SDA housing providers).
Yes – WayHome is a service provided by My Supports, which is a fully registered provider in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and SA.
You need to sign up to WayHome.
Housing Providers can search and connect with NDIS Participants where they can provide a solution which meets the persons need – see Using WayHome to Connect.
Deactivate – you can temporarily deactivate your account by going to the Dashboard, then under your name at the top right of page, selecting Deactivate.
Delete Profile – you can delete your account permanently by going to the Dashboard, selecting Profile from right menu, then Delete Profile.
Yes – PDF files and all image files (such as scans and photos) under MB size limits stated on site.
No – all Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
You can contact WayHome at 1300 xxxx xxxx or admin@wayhome.com.au at any time.
Properties are added and viewed via the Dashboard.
Go to the Dashboard and select Houses from left menu – you will see a list of all properties you have listed.
Viewing properties – click on the small triangle to the left of each listing to see View button.
Select + Add House from top menu.
Complete the four information areas step by step – House Information, Details, Accommodation and Property Features.
Adding Photos – in the summary list click Add Image to add photos
Deactivating – in the summary list click Actions – click Deactivate.
This is the place you can change your Profile, as well as manage your Requests to connect and Message potential NDIS Participants.
Yes – you can change at any time.
You need to first Sign Up and then Log In. Then from the Dashboard, click from top Visit Site.
The WayHome website knows who you are and your Profile.
You then search based on your location (select a state or city if you want a broader search) as well as different Filters (such as age and sex).
Follow the steps for Search above.
When you find a option you are interested in, you will see a Connect Request button on the summary profile (a picture of two people connected by arrows in a small circle). Click on this button – this will send a Connect Request to the person.
When the person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) receives and accepts the Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other.
You can view the Connect Requests you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
Contacting Housing Providers
The contact information for all Housing Providers is listed on all property listings (contact person, email and telephone). NDIS Participants can message with Housing Providers via WayHome, and then if there is a match, the NDIS Participant can directly contact the Housing Provider via this contact information.
Follow the steps for Connect Request above.
When a person (Host, Co-resident, Housemate or Housing Provider) accepts your Connect Request, you are able then able to Message each other via the WayHome platform to discuss any questions or to get to know each other. You can view the Messages you have sent and received via your Dashboard – in the left menu.
For privacy and safeguarding reasons, you are not allowed to share private contact information via the WayHome Messages or elsewhere via WayHome – this can only happen via a facilitated phone call and facilitated meet and greets (NDIS Participants can directly contact Housing Providers via their contact information on the property listing on the WayHome website).
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